Days have gone by since I started juicing celery juice, drinking other juices, paying attention to eating more whole foods and even more fruits and vegetables. Since I am already a vegan, it is easier than having to change my whole diet. I am merely adding more of a good thing, there is not much I need to remove, save for heavy metals probably as well as hidden viruses and foreign bacteria. I believe a lot of not feeling well is connected to our thinking and our energy flow.
If we notice our energy waves, it will tell us a lot about what is going on in the body. Our energy should be running smooth like a well functioning car that doesn't sound like a frog jumped into its system and is trying to find his/her way out. People don't feel well when their energy is erratic, all over the place, uncertain, bothered, uncomfortable: stressed out! How can we put clean organic celery juice and organic cucumber, apple, asparagus with cilantro and parsley into a chaotic system and expect to run our energy clean and smooth asap? We can put this lovely organic juice into our bodies and the plant energy will help us to calm. But, what if we don't notice our energy system, our pace, our thinking, our feelings and our chaotic stance that rubs against the flow? How can we expect to heal when we don't pay attention to our energy?
It can cost a lot of money and time to put good organic juices, blender drinks and food into our bodies without addressing our energy flow. In short, we have to ask, what is bothering us? If we do not feel well, something is usually bothering us. We may be in denial and pretend not to notice, but something is not the way we want it to be, not the way we dreamed it would be, not the way we envisioned life to be. We usually don't investigate. We just go along and call it good, call it okay, call it life and do the best we can do with what we have, but do not want or what we want, but do not have.
Sometimes we think we cannot control things, we have to accept what is and deal with it. We may not try to change anything. We may just succumb to what is and suffer silently. It wreaks havoc with our lives. We desperately try to put good stuff into our bodies and this can make us feel a lot better because those organic plants have a higher vibration than our own energy flow that is stressed out with some sort of fear. Energy wants to flow, it cannot when we are stressed, when we are not enjoying our lives, when something is out of balance, when we are not being who we are.
Putting organic plants into our system is borrowing their lovely energy to help us. But, we must do more than that if we want to have real Change. It is important to know ourselves, to pay attention to what we are thinking and feeling. If we are facing challenges and our energy feels exhausted because we don't have answers, don't have solutions, not sure which way to turn and feeling chaotic inside, we need to investigate.
If there is something you feel that you need to do but clearly don't want to do it, investigate. You may be trying to push yourself in a direction you think you need to go but really don't feel aligned with that intention. If you do not feel in alignment with something that you feel you should be doing, stop pushing the river. Perhaps there is another river somewhere else that would feel better. Perhaps you are not speaking the same language as the life flow that wants to tell you something about yourself.
Focus inward for a time and feel your energy flow. Does it feel like there is a foreign highway taking you to an energetic place where you don't want to go? You might notice that your energy is not running in the direction it wants to go and you might be forcing yourself into a box. Keep listening to yourself. There is a voice that wants to be heard. Don't try to change everything at once; you are just beginning to listen to energy flow, just beginning to listen to an inner voice that is telling you something is not flowing the way you would prefer it to flow. How can you change something when you don't have the resources, when it seems impossible to change, when there is a mountain in a place where you wanted there to be a stream?
Just put yourself into the energy flow of the way you prefer to feel. If you think that a certain situation would help you to feel wonderful, then focus on the energy flow so that you can influence the energy to flow in ways that feel great. Then the outside circumstances will change. Things do not change unless the energy flow changes first. We can put a lot of effort into something, but if we don't focus on the feelings that we desire, then we manifest more of the same chaos, it just may look differently.
Deliberately change the energy flow of how you are feeling; that is controlling your life and taking charge. Otherwise we let our minds and feelings take over our lives. We allow our thoughts about what we should be doing or not doing run the show. Keep listening to your own energy flow and nourish yourself by listening to your heart.
Juicing celery and other organic plants and drinking detox drinks helps one to have clarity on other parts of our lives. Putting in clean organic plants to clear out negative debris helps us clear out the debris in our minds.