Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Self Love

A friend of mine called me while she was very distraught.  She had been to many healers and still she was beside herself in emotional pain.  I told her not to retell her story.  It was now no longer important.  She needed Self Love.  We all need this, but sometimes we forget how to give this to ourselves.  This is what came to me after I was going through my own emotional turmoil.  We need to Love ourself first before we can give to another.   Hold your arms and gently pet your skin as if petting a dog or cat.  Also pet the outside of your hands, gently stroking the skin.  Repeat either silently or aloud loving things that you would also say to your cat, dog or inner child.  Say things with emotion in your voice or in your head silently:  I love you, you are so loving and lovable, oh, you are such a good person, ah, how wonderful you are, you are love, just be who you are which is love, ah, you are pure love, you are such a caring person, you care so much, it's okay that you might have had some fears, they have gone away now, you are so good, you are so loving.    Say things like this while stroking your arms and back of hands, say it with feeling.   Use your name also so you can hear that you are directly talking to yourself.  You are giving yourself the love that you had previously believed should come from another person.  It can also come from another, but we have to know how to love ourselves first and we have to feel it and hear it to make it more real.  

My friend called me after she had been doing this for a couple of days.  People came back into her life to help her.  She received many good things from the Universe.  The Law of Attraction was in action as she shifted her vibration to loving herself, she was now in a place to receive love from many different ways, from herself and from others. 

Stay tuned for my next blog on healing.  Remember, I offer private sessions that you can obtain from pay pal on my website  
Enjoy your journey,
Lara De Ann

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