Thursday, July 14, 2011


Are we receiving from the Universe as much as we possibly can, or are we fine with just enough and turning our backs away from more bounty?   It came to me recently when I asked a friend of mine to visualize receiving what they were desiring that people often put a cap on their receiving.  My friend didn't ask for much and thought she was being humble about it.  She was fine with accepting bare minimum because she believed that was what she deserved and could not manifest more. 

I use the term Mine the Scene. This is a term taught to me in a screenwriting class for Hollywood scripts.  Mine the Scene means take it to the highest level, exaggerate it.  Just when something good happens, make it even better, then mine it so that it's outrageously great. The key here is to believe we deserve that kind of receiving.  If we don't believe in receiving way beyond measure, then our doubt stops the manifestation process.   This is something that we may need to rewire into our brains.  I am a student of Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks.  I believe that we might need to change our neurochemistry to create new neuro-pathways in order to expand our thinking.  A lot of our thinking is still outdated.  It goes back to the flood when we were taught by work ethic teachers that believed in punishment.  Schools teach that everywhere. Hard work is supposed to amount to happiness instead of happiness amounting to happiness.  So, we might need some rewiring to create new chemical pathways in our brains that are geared toward receiving maximum good just because we now believe we deserve it.  Repetition can help here. So can having friends that are like-minded to reinforce this new behavior.   I believe we are creating these new beliefs for the next generations as well.  Once we really change our brain chemistry the hundred monkey concept steps in.  Enough of us will overturn the current societal belief that upholds the work ethic and creates shame for receiving what they call is more than our share.   The concept of displaying humility by depriving ourselves of really receiving greatly will become extinct.  Imagine a whole world where everyone is as abundant as everyone else.  It will look different for each person because we value different things.   But, for now, for the Fun of it,  Mine the Scene.  Stretch your desires to beyond the moon.

I remember asking a taxi-cab driver in Israel what he wanted if he could do and have anything. He said he wanted to open a small food or beverage stand.  It struck me as odd.  Here was my sky high question, but his answer reflected a limited reality that smelled from oppressed thinking.  Asking children the same question gives immediately different results. If they are allowed to still have their imagination, their answers are full of creativity and uniqueness.   It is a given that their answers go way beyond the moon. And still, the work ethic, limited-minded adults laugh and roll their eyes.   Anything magical then becomes the domain of the childish while the adults do not Mine the Scene, but are fine with less as their palms are not open and outstretched to receive the bounty of the Universe, but are instead at half mass as they carry too much on their shoulders. 

Mine the Scene, take desires to the next level.  Don't limit the receiving.  Imagine the palms open to receive from the Universe all of the time. The Universe is a giving benevolence that makes no judgment whether we partake or not.  In the minds eye, see both palms open to receive.  Keep visualizing the best and then even more of the best.  Mine the Scene.  Grab a friend if possible and help each other get a bit more juice out of that pomegranate.  Just when you feel it is sweet enough, make it more sweet.  And then, as the Kabbala teaches, share that sweetness.  Receive in order to share.  By sharing, the sweetness becomes even sweeter. 

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