Tuesday, September 29, 2015

From Victim to Victory

 There is an illness on this planet that is silent and yet it is loud in its silence.   It is called victimhood.   I extend being a victim to mean anything that we  hold onto that exists outside of ourselves that we use to keep from moving forward in life and getting internally strong.   It can be just about anything.  It can be another person, circumstance, thing, situation, illness.  It can even be our own selves; our attitudes of perfectionism or feeling of not being enough, etc.  It can be anything or anyone.  Many times, we may not even realize we are being a victim to something/someone.  It can be a silent killer, zapping our energy from being the dynamic truth of who we really are.   Perhaps most people exhibit victim behavior, but because we have limited its meaning, we may not notice it as a detriment.  Once we see and take responsibility for victim behavior, we can change.  We can free ourselves from blocked energy and embrace life instead. 

Animals, especially those on factory farms of agribusiness, also exhibit victim behavior.  They have victim karma.  They want freedom, they want to be happy, just like all of us, but they are victimized by human greed and ignorance.  Perhaps factory farm animals suffer more than any of us.  What can we do when we feel for these animals but don’t know how to invoke change?  We can look at our own selves.  There is a direct correlation between the victim thinking/feeling/behaving of humans and animals that suffer.  We are all connected.  We are all part of a whole.  No one is really separate in this world, even though it may appear that way.  We are as interconnected as the slices of an orange, touching each other in a sphere.  Our world is part of the whole world.  Our lives are affected by what happens in the whole.  All energy is continuous and we are a part of this continuum.   Therefore, animals that suffer are directly related to our own suffering.  

A powerful way to heal is to look within ourselves and remove what no longer serves us or the greater good.  If we look closely, we may find all sorts of victim behavior.  We might blame anything and everything for the reason we are not where we want to be or who we want to be.  We may also be in denial of this behavior.  We may feel like we are not enough and so use fear as an excuse to not break out of our limitations to move forward.   We may be perfectionists that are always preparing ourselves to get ready as a way to procrastinate.  We may feel we have to constantly improve before we make a move.   Or, we may compare ourselves to others and never take that first step forward.   They are a myriad of ways that we use being victim to stop ourselves from fully living.   

When we are willing to really look at ourselves truthfully, we can see that most of us are victim to something outside of ourselves.   If we hear ourselves complain about anything, that is a sign that victim consciousness runs the show. 

But how do we help animals that are suffering?  When we look deeply at our own victim behavior and do something to change that allows us to feel better about our lives, then we help animals.  Since we are all connected, what we do to heal ourselves is reflected in the whole world.  One less victim, one more healed, whole, happy person makes a difference for all of us. 

We need to see that if we are allowing external phenomena to affect us negatively, then we are not being part of the solution for world peace.   Each contributes to the whole.  When we are actively, consciously, allowing ourselves to flourish by healing our victim parts, we affect everything and everyone.  

Instead of feeling hopeless and helpless about the animals in slaughterhouses and factory farms living a horrible fate, we can diligently do all we can do to heal our own selves.   We have to be brave to be able to look honestly at how we are being and what we are doing that does not contribute to, not only our own happiness and wellness, but that of the entire world as well.

Inner strength means that we have taken the journey inward to become part of the solution and are no longer contributing to the dense negativity of the planet.   If we live in this manner, cleaning what does not serve a higher way of being, then we are actively contributing to the healing of the entire universe.  We are, inadvertently, helping the animals that are victims by releasing our own victimhood.  We are moving from victim to Victory.  We do this for ourselves, we do this for others and we do this for the animals. 

When enough of us remove the victim way of being and free ourselves from being less than our true magnificence, we evoke a change for all.  I implore you to look deeply within, to remove and clean out what no longer serves and to emerge as a conscious, healed being that is part of the solution.  When you commit to this endeavor, you pave the way for others, including animals, to follow.  We owe this to ourselves, we owe it to others we share this planet with and we owe it to the animals that need our strength and power to emerge shiny and new into a world of love and light.  Looking at the face of an animal in a slaughterhouse is enough reason to begin this inward healing journey now.   Become a part of the solution, heal thyself.    

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