Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 1 details

I went on my trampoline, jogging in place and then up and down.  The vertical movement is great for us.  The jogging is better for my knees that no longer like to run on hard surfaces.  I bought an expensive mini-trampoline called a cellerciser which has really good springs and materials.  It does not cause jolting to the joints like some of the cheaper rebounders do.  Stretching helps my joints so I can continue to do this.

I am not into food combining, so if you are, disregard this.  I loaded my blender with romaine lettuce, not just a handful, but most of the blender was loosely filled with these greens. Then I added frozen blueberries, 4 Brazil nuts, almond butter, 3 pitted dates and water.   I make enough of it so I can have it a number of times in day. Since it is already made, it saves a lot of time.

When I don't have a lot of time left in the day, I can listen to part of the Getting into Vortex Guided Meditation Cd. The entire cd is 70 minutes long.  I notice the breathing makes me calmer and the knowing of Abraham in my life supporting me to higher and higher vibrations is a grand comfort.  I have been reading the book that accompanies the cd.  It is important to read that first, it makes the listening seem that much more poignant. 

Happenings:  I notice that when I misplace something, I never say or feel it is lost.  I ask it to be revealed to me.  I have a knowing it will show up.  Usually, within a short time, I am led to the location and there it is.

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