Sunday, January 17, 2016

On Relationships #3

Esther Hicks, who channels the non-human, wise, group entity Abraham, has helped millions of people world wide. It is difficult not to give credit to them for so much of what comes to me to write since I have been studying that material for so many years.  So much information can be traced back to what I have absorbed from these non-humans who generously give their energy to help us humans who cannot always "see" what is in front of them.  What they teach can be applied to every human scenario and situation, every topic and every challenge.

With regards to love relationships, a good one has the ingredients that can be found from any Abraham cd, dvd, book, seminar or old cassette tape (yes, they have been around for a very long time).  To have a great relationship even after many years, look to what Abraham says.   One must be in their vortex if they expect to have good flowing to them.  What does this mean?  To be in one's vortex means to be tuned in, tapped in, turned on (in Abraham's words) to the truth of who we really are and to face downstream, away from struggle battling a current that no longer exists if we turn our boat around.   Yes, you can be alive and do this.  It is optimal.  It is not only optimal, it is the recipe for a good life and for having good relationships.

Many people get into a relationship and put their best foot forward.  They show the side of their face they like the best.  They dress the part, brush their teeth and put on a smile.  They interact in order to attract and uplift, to have fun and to share.  If that relationship is mutual, it has staying power. But then something happens.  They get complacent.  They take for granted the other one's presence.  They get so comfortable with the other that they can forget that they still need to reach higher and make themselves happy so they have something to share with another.  Instead, many fall into the easy sharing of complaints and pitfalls of life's disappointments.  They can get waterlogged with let downs and show their mate a boat that has been battling the current for so long it has lost its paint and no longer has the details showing it's name.  The ocean boat once proudly named "Vitamin Sea" is now without a name.  The pain was scratched off and the anchor was dislodged as well.

I have seen this time and time again.  A couple lacking luster has somehow lost their desire to continue to put in the energy to repair and maintain their boat.  The salt from the ocean has found its way into wounds.  Fresh water has not been used to clean to deck, care has not been given to give care and appreciation to their vehicle.  Sometimes this is a sign that someone has relied to much upon another to steer the boat.  They might expect their mate to make them happy, create a smile and provide for them the reassurance they need to face the world.  This type of behavior wipes the paint off of a boat or zaps the energy of a relationship.

It is our responsibility to connect with our own inner core of peace before we interact with another, even our mate of many years.  Our mate does not have to weather our storm. We can get centered in our own  heart to make our own waters calm and then interact with our mate.  If we put the effort to make sure our inner life is smiling before we open our eyes to see our mate, then our relationship is on sacred ground that is respected.  Then the spark of appreciation is still there.  The feeling of love is constantly cultivated and put into conscious awareness. When we put the effort into making our inner world a haven, then we respect our love relationship.  We don't put too much burden on the other to be a machine to stop the waves from coming.  We can learn to navigate our own seas, knowing to turn into the wave instead of battling against it, to turn our boat downstream instead of paddling frantically to keep aboard.  We can learn when to take down a sail, or when to put one up and which one in order to catch the wind in the right direction, or when to use the motor when maneuvering slowly around other boats.  We have to learn to look around us to avoid a collision coarse from a boat in the distance that we might intersect if not for awareness and experience.   If we are not experienced in relationships than how can we expect to sail on the open seas.  We have to stay in the harbor and learn to navigate first.  We have to take classes on reading the stars as our compass.  The other person on board, may be our mate, but they are not responsible for our life.  They may share in efforts of putting up and taking down the sails, but they are not the driving power behind the wind, they are not the wind itself and they are not anchor we need when arriving into port.   They are simply on this ride sharing the journey. It is up to us to make sure we tap into our own inner divine energy to smile before we open our eyes to say good morning to another.   We must tap into the Source of our joy and share that with our mate instead of complaining together about the weather and expecting them to bring out the sun.  We keep full length rain gear in storage and look to our own inner guidance to make ourselves happy.  Then we have something to share, then we can contribute to the ride, then our relationship can continue to sail on the adventures of life.  

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