Monday, May 7, 2012

Go Ask Lara #4

Dear Lara,
I have been to every therapist around and tried every healing modality.  I cannot take medication because my body throws it up.  I thought I would ask you since writing is free and I will not spend another dime trying to get help from healers and doctors and practitioners who don’t seem to have been with anyone like me, suffering in a peculiar way.   So, to go out on a limb, Lara, what do you suggest for this kind of suffering?
Waiting for your reply with hand on my hip,
P.W. in California

Dear P.W.,
You have not described the details of your suffering, but that is okay.  I will just tune in to see what I “hear.”   You will not be able to get help in any conventional sense, or even in the typical alternative modalities. There are some people who are on this planet who help to call in higher types of healing. At this time, even the alternative world doesn’t have access to these yet.  So, in a way you do us all a favor because you ask for something more and you are helping the world to bring it to the forefront.  For example, many people will read this letter and perhaps get help from it. This was from your contribution to the world.  Your unique situation was not helped by even the most alternative types of healing, so you help to call to the world another Way of Being.  Don’t try to get any help from the ways that are currently out there, you will only be disappointed and waste your money again.
You desperately need a tune up. A whole life, whole body, soul and mind tune up. You cannot get this tune up from any of the modalities present on the Earth at this time. What to do?  What to do is to take things into your own hands at this time.  Try not to worry about the ways of the world and what you have to do to fit in and cope in order to be healthy enough to participate.  Try not to think of those things or any ordinary worldly concepts. Yours is a unique case, although there are many people like you. They just don’t reach out that much to get help because they are like you, they have tried everything already with no results.  

Your tune up has to do with adding more Fun into your life and world.  This is not an easy task since  you have been taught the opposite from the world.  Your teachers in schools and parents and even “friends” have reinforced the opposite of your own unique type of fun.  Fun has to be safe for you and for others, has to be benevolent and kind.  That is important.   You don’t have to involve others, although you can if you want to and if that is possible for you.  Again, this is a big project because your current mental state doesn’t have an option for this.  Fun was not in your “genes” so to speak. It had not been part of your makeup, however it is in your Higher Self and Soul. You can access it if your life depended on it and it sounds like it might.   

Here is where you have to take things into your own hands.  I have no idea of what Fun is for you.  No one does.  You don’t know that either.  It cannot just be something you do sometimes or for a diversion. Incidentally, the word diversion is fun in Spanish.  This means that even embedded in language is the concept that fun is something that is a diversion from what is normal.  Do you see what I mean when I tell you it is not something that the world has allowed?  Years ago when I was going to college, I took a class on comedy.  At the time I had an independent major in screenwriting.   I asked the professor if I could write a comedy for a midterm instead of the normal type of boring essay.  He said, “no!”  That is a perfect example of how our creative flow, our flow of fun, is often thwarted by people who think they are helping us.  Instead, they do us harm and we have to spend large amounts of time trying to recover from being robbed of fun.  Don’t react to this. Just use your energy to be determined to live a life that is filled with enjoyment, with fun, with play, with pleasure.  Remember, it has to be benevolent or neutral. That is the only rule.  

You can write a list and keep adding to it.  But, this is not diversion, this is a new way of being.  You might have to quit things that are boring or leave people who are not in agreement.   You might have to go it alone for a while until you solidify your vibration of fun. Then you will attract others who are on this wavelength as well.  But, right now you do not have access to these types of people. You also, presently, do not have access to fun because your vibration is very heavy.  This is the difficult part. You have to bring yourself into alignment with fun by your own self, by your own unique creative expression, by what works for you specifically.  It will take a good amount of energy to be determined to make this shift, but once you do and practice fun continually, then you will have something to contribute to the world. Then your dis-ease will have served a grand purpose.  Until then, you might change your mind. You might think that fun is too hard to do that much of the time and be comfortable with diversion once in a while.  You might resist it because your mind is not programmed for this. 
This does not mean that you become complacent to the world altogether and stop caring about natural resources.  You do not get reckless in your fun, remember it has to be benevolent or neutral.  You can help more people in this world leading them to their fun than you can by picketing in the streets or complaining about the destruction of the planet.   After all, the reason people don’t care about their planet is because they have lost their connection to their own soul and the Soul Level is Fun.  The Soul Level has a sense of humor and benevolent, humanitarian enjoyment that serves all.   Then fun becomes Great Service. It is never for oneself alone, but becomes what is shared.  It becomes a humanitarian energy that lifts the energy of the planet like a dolphin’s laughter.  For me, I have Great Fun “listening” to what I “hear” from a Higher Source in order to help others.  That for me is my greatest fun.  So, fun is unique. It is not just a Disneyland of escape, it is a Way of Being connected to the Depth of our Soul.  

I encourage you to have the courage to embark on this journey.  It really is a journey; it is not a diversion.  

The solution is within the problem.  Your solution could save the world and then your problems would have been worth it.  


Lara De Ann is a non-religious Reverend doing weddings and memorial services.  She also combines healing and hiking and uses the Abraham Material as channeled by Esther Hicks as a template, as well as personal experience and what she “hears” from higher guidance.  Lara also does mind healing over the phone.  Check out her World Peace Necklace, spiritual books etc. on

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