I thought you were real
I thought you were “the one”
I thought my day began and ended with you
I felt a connection to you
That surpassed so many other connections
And then the wind came
It blew my hair into a spin
For a moment my vision blurred
And when I cleared my space to look again
You were gone
And with you went my heart.
Despair, disappointment, sorrow and hope
Became my bedfellows
Taking turns consuming my mind
I managed some positive affirmation
To try to find some better feeling ground
But it was whip cream on top of trash
How could life spin me ‘round again
How could I be given
What I thought was the gift of a lifetime
Only for it to be taken away
But you tell me I never had it
That no one has anything
That for a moment we experience something
And there are no guarantees
This love that feels so good
But can cause so much pain
For a moment there, I wished I had never met you
Then I would have been spared the pain of you leaving
Just yesterday I was the apple pie of your eye
And today you prefer coffee.
I am done
No more.
I will never again allow my heart
To be like a rag dolly
Pushed and pulled and toyed with
My emotions taken so lightly
My depth squashed onto a shallow shore
Unable to express its love
Too painful….
Your “Hi Sweetie”
Turned into “Hi there”
You long lovely see-you-later
Turned into short goodbyes.
You tell me to be in the gift of the present
To let go of the past
But I liked the past
And feel uncomfortable in our present moments
Not knowing where to place my arms
Where they were always placed around you
Now they awkwardly dangle at my side
And my heart goes unfulfilled.
I don’t want this one sided love
That is now looking elsewhere to amuse itself.
Freedom is the lesson here
To set you free as you desire
So I have no place in your life, really
For my freedom was the soaring I felt
When your heart wrapped around mine.
I am counseled to understand where you are
You just came from another relationship
And I was your short transition
Into a new life
So keep this short
And say goodbye.
My collection of Romantic Poetry: To All the Men I've Loved can be found on kindle, also poems on cd from my website www.EmpireOfTheSunspirit.com
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